I wrote this in mid-June and posted in my LiveJournal. As this text also tells a lot about me (the kind of person my family, friends, and I are), I wish to post it also here.
Because the text is rather personal, I decided to respect the anonymity of my girlfriend and guy-best-friend. I replaced their real names with Anni and Teemu, the first one being my tribute to a person very dear to me who passed away last night, and the later one being my tribute to Zsanya's novel Tanssit, which made an incredible impact on me.


Dear Mom,

     I guess I should be grateful for having you. You give me a place to sleep, food, clothes, and almost everything I ask for. Except for the one thing that I want most in this life: Your acceptance.
     I guess you just can't accept the fact that I'm not the perfect daughter you thought me to be. I was it until now, wasn't I? A perfect GPA, one of the popular girls, beautiful, well-liked by the family. 
     After we moved to Finland, you were so happy that I was dealing well with the move from the States. You met some of my friends here, including Anni. You said she seemed like such a nice girl. I said she was my best friend, and you were happy that I found one, even though there is a three-year age difference. I was truly happy, and you knew it. 
     I had been together with her, the girl I love, for... was it 7 or 8 months when I told you? Point is, I was happy with her, I loved her and she loved me back. And I told you that i'm sick of lying. When I told you that I am going out with a person of the same sex, I hoped that you would support me, be happy for me that I have found a girl that I love more than anything. But instead, you yelled at me. You called my "decision" stupid and childish. You dissed Anni to the extent that it made me cry. You said things that you had abssolutely no right to say, things that you didn't know about. You said to me that I can be gay if I want to, as long as I don't show it. Is that what a mother is supposed to do? You say that this will affect my career, the opinion of others. You said that I shouldn't tell anyone. How could I do that? How could I be quiet when i want the entire world to know how much I love her? I don't care about her faults. I know I probably should, with her excessive drinking and all. But she's getting better, Mom! And just because she has a problem doesn't mean that I do, too. I'm smart, remember? You used to tell that to me all the time. You complimented me all the time. You told me how pretty I was, how smart I was, and how proud you were of me. Now, I'm proudly saying that I'm happy with who I am, and all of a sudden you don't see it anymore. All you see is a homosexual in a Catholic family. Isn't God supposed to love us all? If He really does love me, then I get into heaven, and that's what you want, right? But no. All you can think of is what a sin being gay is. 
     I remember when I was a little girl, you said that you would love me no matter what i did. You said that you would love me even if I was a thief, a murderer, a rapist, a shame to the entire family. But that you would still love me. Where are those words now? Now, I'm just a something. Something to hide, something to be ashamed of. You used to tell me when I went out how pretty I looked, how proud you were to have such a beautiful daughter. Now when I go out, you ask me who I'm gonna see, where I will be, and when I wear a shirt that shows off my breasts, you just glare at me. You used to look at me with admiration and love, now you look at me with something that comes close to disguist. 
     When I mention Anni or Teemu, you used to ask curiously about them, be happy that i found such good friends. Now when I mention Anni, you give me a near murderous glare. If I say something about Teemu, you just scoff and mutter something about a "gay club." I heard you, Mom! I heard what you said to Daddy when you accidentally found out that Teemu is more or less gay. You said "What are they, some kind of freaking... gay club?" Do you know how much that hurts me? I don't choose my friends based on their sexuality. Anni and Teemu are not my best friends because they're gay. Not being straight is just one factor that connects us, not the sole reason of us hanging out. I choose to spend my time with them because they are wonderful people. They are funny, smart, sweet, and they accept me for who I am. That's not what I can say of you, though...  Why can't you accept me, Mom? Everybody else does. During the entire year that I've lived here, nobody has said one bad word about my sexual .. exception. Not one person. They all are with me for who I am, accepting the whole of it.
     What happened to you, Mom? I used to admire you, how you've fought against prejudice for one or other reason for the whole of your life. Now, when your own daughter says she belongs to one of the minorities that you said there was nothing wrong with... You changed. You haven't mentioned Anni with one single word since I told you. It's been almost two months since I told you about her, Mom. Isn't it time you were happy for me? I've been together with the girl I love more than life for over nine months. That's three-quarters of a year! Even though we've had our issues, we always work them out soon. I could even say that in this relationship, I'm more mature than you are in yours. When you and Daddy have a tiff, what do you do? You know what you do, Mom. Is that mature? Responsible? A good example for me and my little brother (who by the way totally accepts who i am)? I apologize, even if it wasn't my fault. I talk it out with her. I practically force her to talk sometimes. But that's why i think our relationship is so strong. Yes, relationship! Do you have any idea how much I care about this girl? You think that this is just some stupid crush, and that Anni pressured me into it. That's not true, Mom, and you know it. You look at every possible explanation why this would happen to me. You blame Anni, because that's the only thing you can think of. But as I said, you know it's not true! Did you know that I was the one who first said that I like her, and later that I loved her? That I was the one who worked so hard to make this relationship work? Did you ever even think that I actually might really like this girl? That I really love her?
     I just wish that you would accept me, my choice of lifestyle, the person I love. The girl I love. Why can't you see how happy I am?
     Dear Mom, please try to understand me.
