How many of you are familiar with the terms royally fucked? Let me describe this state for you. It is:

When you should: Wake up at 6:30, wash hair, brush teeth, put on nice clothes, do hair, pack schoolbag, walk to bus stop, take bus to town, walk to school, be in class by 8 o'clock, stay in school until 4, go home, do homework, eat dinner, study, read/watch a movie, go to sleep by 11 PM.

But what you actually do: Alarm rings at 6, curse and slam it shut, wake up at 6:45, curse extremely loudly, run to the bathroom, quickly brush teeth and wash face (still cursing), run to the wardrobe, put on the clothes that hit you first, do a U-turn and run back to the bathroom, realize you forgot your makeup in your room, run back to your room, search for make-up bag for 5 minutes, find it under your bed, run back to bathroom, put on makeup, brush hair, spray hairspray, miss hair and spray some in your eye, curse, wash eye, re-do makeup in that eye, run to room, curse at the fact that bus leaves in 5 minutes, trip on a clothes hangar on the floor, run to the bus stop, miss bus, take next bus, arrive in class late, realize you've forgotten your dancing shoes, dance with slippery socks for 2 hours, go to next class, be sure not to understand anything about Medeia by Euripides, go the the speech lab for Swedish class, take the one seat that has the broken equipment, have someone speaking German in your headphones, therefore fuck royally, have the teacher make fun of you, be completely in your own thoughts during Psych, have the most boring English lesson in the history of mankind, miss your bus home by 2 minutes, take the wrong bus, end up in Muurame, walk 2.5 km home, do not do any schoolwork even though exam is in two days, watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Kinky Boots, slip in staircase and nearly break your neck, have Dad yell at you due to your unbelievably messy room, clean room, lose hairbrush, go to sleep.

Yesterday was not very funny.