Ahhhhhh yes. This might have been one of the best weekends of my life. Okay, I've gotten 5 hours of sleep since saturday morning, but that's a minor detail.
Bar, a bottle of Leijona, debates, a bottle of Dooley's, drinking games, a six-pack of long drinks, guys hitting me left and right, shots bought by random guys hoping for a fuck, clubbing until 4:30 AM. What more do I need to say? Loads of fun. I could have gotten laidby like 7 different guys but I was just like haha NO. I did have a condom in my back pocket, but I always do when I'm in a bar so that doesn't mean that I had any plans or anything... *grin* Nah, seriously. But it was so much fun, totally gonna go again next year. I was still wasted in the morning, sobered up around 11 AM. Now I'm gonna go play PlayStation, I missed it over the weekend. Tata!